Monday, November 7, 2011

Beta LED, Nashville Energy Audit

Sesco Lighting, Nashville can assist you with a lighting energy audit.  Please contact me to schedule if you are in need.
-Shad Asebrook,, 615-830-1655

Palm Beach International Airport – West Palm Beach, Florida


End User

Palm Beach International Airport


Airport Arrival and Departure Roadway Lighting (Retrofit Installation)


BetaLED THE EDGE canopy luminaires with petroleum symmetric optics:
  • 555 direct mount with 60 LEDs
  • 68 pendant mount with 60 LEDs

BetaLED THE EDGE wall mount security luminaires with petroleum symmetric optics:
  • 76 with 60 LEDs


  • An estimated 429,000 kW saved per year from lighting retrofit
  • Estimated annual energy savings of $34,000.
  • Anticipated annual lighting maintenance savings of over $27,000 (due, in part, to recommended re-lamping of existing 100 watt metal halide products).
  • The airport will recoup its investment in approximately five years.

Lighting Performance Improvement Saves Energy, Cuts Costs

The Palm Beach International Airport (PBIA) is operated by Palm Beach County through its Department of Airports.  PBIA is committed to enhancing the airport through sustainable products whenever possible, especially in areas that reduce energy consumption, costs and maintenance expenses.

An overall energy audit was conducted by Florida-based Hillers Engineering to determine current usage and identify opportunities for efficiency and reduction.  One area identified as needing efficiency upgrading was the airport’s arrival and departure roadway.  Originally, the roadway had 695 100W metal halide fixtures using approximately 66,000 kWh per month. The fixtures were 25 years old and desperately needed upgrading.

A lighting design and study was conducted to evaluate BetaLED luminaires along with traditional HID solutions based on illumination and economic performance. According to Tom Galassi, PBIA maintenance supervisor, there was no comparison – the BetaLED luminaires were an easy retrofit choice.

The recent installation of 695 79W BetaLED luminaires will provide PBIA with an annual energy savings of 429,388 kWh, an annual energy cost savings of approximately $34,000 and an annual lighting maintenance savings of over $27,000. The airport will recoup its investment in approximately five years.

Feedback about the visual affects of the lighting installation has been incredible. Travelers have commented to PBIA that the lighting is bright and white, making it easier to see the roadway.

“I’m very pleased with the project, and the anticipated energy and maintenance savings from the BetaLED lighting installation,” said Galassi.

Additionally, sheriff deputies who patrol the roadway and direct traffic also have spoken highly of the illumination from the BetaLED luminaires because it makes visibility easier and the lighting is evenly distributed.

PBIA improvement plans include relighting the baggage handling areas, roadway signage, aircraft gate parking and the existing parking garages all with LED luminaires.

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