Thursday, February 23, 2012

Neri Renderings for Lighting, Structures, and Furniture


As a support for planning activities, Neri offers a system of computerized simulation which works through the virtual reconstruction of urban environments and architectural contexts, in order to assess in advance the aesthetic result of each installation.
We further make available the experienced consultancy of the technicians and commercial staff of the company and its sales network. They are ready to advise on the choice and location of the products to be inserted in the virtual scene.
The simulation obtained will be sent in printed form (photographic print in A4 or A3 format) or in digital format (.jpg).
In order to provide this service it is advisable to make available to us good quality
- photographic supports:
- prints, minimum format 13 X18 cm;
- slides 24X36;
digital files with minimum resolution of 1600X1200 pixels .jpg format.
Photographs should be taken from man-height (c. 170 cm). Aerial photography cannot be used.


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