Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lighting Control Strategies

The California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) organized a study in eight private offices at the UC Davis to attempt to determine energy savings for bi-level switching in offices.  Here are the findings:

• The auto-ON to 100% bilevel occupancy sensor saved 34% compared to the baseline.

• The auto-ON to 50% bilevel occupancy sensor saved 52% compared to the baseline.

• The manual-ON bilevel occupancy sensor saved 46% compared to the baseline.

Link to Lighting Control Associates Summary

Wattstopper handles this through a digital system ( DLM Site ) that is commissioned out of the box and is extremely easy to install as demonstrated in the video below.  Also, keep in mind that there is additional savings if LED lighting is being used because LEDs will last even longer when in a dimmed state.

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