Friday, December 30, 2011

Lumewave, Wireless Lighting Control

Wireless Street Lighting Controls

Lumewave's wireless, remote control and monitoring of street lights can save energy, enhance public safety, reduce light pollution, reduce maintenance costs, provide valuable M&V information, and fixture health reporting to municipalities, states and other users. They can be used with LED, Induction, Plasma, eHID lighting, and standard HID. However, because of certain limitations with older HID technology, Lumewave can still be used with those systems, but much functionality is lost.
A centralized command system can send astronomic time based instructions to individual or groups of street lighting to reduce energy consumption, when and where possible, during night time hours.
Demand responsive and adaptive, lighting can be dropped to lower levels through user selected, multi-level dimming scenarios, or based on input from traffic monitors or other systems and sensors.  Revenue grade power metering through the use of Smart Meter chips is standard.
Signaling for location identification of Call Button activation or 911 calls, designating evacuation routes, detours and other emergency uses are standard capabilities with Lumewave controls.
Additional public safety uses can include the ability for police or other emergency vehicles to interface through their onboard computers and raise light levels from nearby streetlights even higher than normal to aid in visibility for investigation, medical administration and incident clean up.
Lumewave's Gateway and software allow users to communicate with over a million system devices if a customer's network was that large. Standard units provide a 5 mile range to devices when mounted on poles twenty feet or higher.

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