Friday, July 20, 2012

Light Meter App

This is a great app for lighting people or if you want to show an owner what footcandles are in a space.  A Light Meter app!  I tested against a "real" light meter from Greenlee at showed 22 FC at my desk.  The whitegood light meter showed 18 so not completely accurate but I had a case on my phone, etc.  It works as a good estimate of light quantity.  Search "whitegoods" at iTunes.

That is me and my son Caleb at Stone Fort park in Manchester TN in the background. 

From the whitegoods site:

New Update Available for Whitegoods Light Meter App
Whitegoods have made further improvements to their recently launched LightMeter App;
The new updates include:
-An easy to use manual calibration tool where you can input readings taken from a real light
meter allowing for more accurate calibration.
- We have improved the decimalisation of Lux/foot-candle readings
-Default settings for low/medium or bright light levels to improve performance
-'How does it work' section on Info tab
-Settings for foot-candles or lux
Always have a light meter at hand with this intuitive and easy-to-use app. Compatible with iPhone 3GS,
4 and 4S, iPad and iPod Touch (iOS 5.0 or later). Works with front and back cameras and includes a built-in timer.


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