Friday, July 27, 2012

Cree LED CR24 at Enfinity Engineering

Here is a video and photo of an installation that I did yesterday in Tyler's office, Enfinity Engineering in Brentwood.  I took down 2 parabolics and replaced them with 2 Cree Cr24 LED lay-ins.  Here is a link to the Cree fixture and note the step dimming as shown in the video.  Feel free to call me with any questions.

Shad Asebrook
Sesco Lighting




Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Load Shedding Control by Wattstopper

This is a good white paper by Wattstopper.  Let me know if you have any questions.
Shad Asebrook
Sesco Lighting

Link to Wattstopper PDF

Solutions for Load SheddingWith energy alerts on the rise and demand charges increasing, load shedding has become an important lighting control strategy. Because many lighting loads are non-critical, they are prime candidates for load shedding along with other non-critical building loads.

Daylighting Controls
Load shedding with daylighting controls is a natural, automatic process. Because high energy demand often occurs at the same time daylighting potential is the greatest, the natural consequence of using daylighting controls will be to reduce lighting as the level of daylight increases and becomes adequate to replace artificial lighting sources.

With continuous dimming products, such as The Watt Stopper’’s LightSaver LCD control, users can define the minimum light level they want to maintain throughout the course of a day, and the dim- ming controls will adjust artificial lighting based on this setpoint and the available daylight contribu- tion. When daylight is adequate, lights will be dimmed and when daylight diminishes, artificial light levels are raised. The multi-zone option of the LCD enables the use of independent dimming controls in different areas of a building space, such as an open office area, where daylight levels may differ. One lighting zone, nearer to windows or skylights where daylight levels are higher, may dim artificial light- ing earlier in the day and to lower levels than in another lighting zone that is located further from the daylight source and receiving a smaller daylight contribution.

ON/OFF switching controls, such as The Watt Stopper’’s LightSaver LCO control, are also effective load shedding tools. Compatible with all lamp types, ON/OFF controls turn lights off when the daylight contribution reaches a user-defined level. Multi-zone controls enable bi-level, or stepped dimming, which can be particularly effective as a load shedding strategy. Most commonly, individual lamps with- in a multi-lamp fixture will be grouped into different zones; the inner lamps in three-lamp fixtures in one zone and the outer two lamps in a separate zone. The lighting in each zone is turned off once day- light levels reach a defined setpoint. Usually, the zone comprised of the inner lamps will be turned off first, reducing lighting by one-third. Later in the day, when the daylight contribution increases, the other lighting zone can be turned off. For more aggressive load shedding, the sequence can be reversed, to shed two-thirds of the lighting load earlier in the day.
The Watt Stopper Application Bulletin
Lighting Control Panels
Another effective tool for achieving load shedding is the use of lighting control panels. Panel prod- ucts perform load shedding by turning off non-critical loads during peak times.

For instance, users of The Watt StopperComplete Control panel products can employ a prepro- grammed control scenario to shed non-critical lighting loads. This could be half of the lighting in a "bi-level" controlled space. Under such a scenario, occupants are "locked out" from exercising local overrides via switches or telephone contact with the system. This control scenario can be pro- grammed to operate during daily intervals when peak loads are most likely to occur, or when a facility historically attains its highest demand. This strategy can also be invoked under energy shortage alerts.

Specialized Load Shedding Solutions
Additional automated load shedding solutions include teaming The Watt Stopper Automatic Relay Pack (ARP) with the Telephone Switch Module (TSM). Non-critical, sheddable loads are connected to one relay on the ARP-Net, while critical, non-sheddable loads are connected to the other relay. The TSM is installed on the ARP-Net network. During a power alert, a call into the TSM from the facility manager will turn off the relay with non-critical loads. The ARPs lock-off capability ensures that once the signal from the TSM is received, lighting or other loads (i.e., HVAC, fans, etc.) immediately shut off, and that ordinary occupant overrides are not available. To restore the loads, the facility manager makes only a quick call back to the TSM and follows a sim-
ple push-button sequence.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Delray Lighting @ Studio 121

This is the newest fixture from Delray Lighting, The Media.  The installation is at Studio 121 here in Nashville, located in the Marathon Building above the "American Pickers" store and now tourist attraction.  Here is a link to Mary and Rachelle's web site: 

Studio 121 Site

And this is the fixture using the Sylvania seemless lamps.  The small profile of the fixture was liked by all.

And here is a link to the fixture from Delray:



Friday, July 20, 2012

Light Meter App

This is a great app for lighting people or if you want to show an owner what footcandles are in a space.  A Light Meter app!  I tested against a "real" light meter from Greenlee at showed 22 FC at my desk.  The whitegood light meter showed 18 so not completely accurate but I had a case on my phone, etc.  It works as a good estimate of light quantity.  Search "whitegoods" at iTunes.

That is me and my son Caleb at Stone Fort park in Manchester TN in the background. 

From the whitegoods site:

New Update Available for Whitegoods Light Meter App
Whitegoods have made further improvements to their recently launched LightMeter App;
The new updates include:
-An easy to use manual calibration tool where you can input readings taken from a real light
meter allowing for more accurate calibration.
- We have improved the decimalisation of Lux/foot-candle readings
-Default settings for low/medium or bright light levels to improve performance
-'How does it work' section on Info tab
-Settings for foot-candles or lux
Always have a light meter at hand with this intuitive and easy-to-use app. Compatible with iPhone 3GS,
4 and 4S, iPad and iPod Touch (iOS 5.0 or later). Works with front and back cameras and includes a built-in timer.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Downtown Block Gets Makeover To Help Promote The Arts

Downtown Block Gets Makeover To Help Promote The Arts ( News Channel Five Video Report)

Starting next week the block of 5th Avenue North, between Church and Union Streets, will get a makeover that will highlight the area as an arts district.

This is being designed by Hawkins Partners landscape architects.  Great project.  I am supplying the catenary fixture and the LED curtain lighting.  
Hawkins Partners Site

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Color Kinetics at the Nashville Bridge Company

This is the Nabrico Building in the Cumberland Park area, Nashville.  The blue tower is lighted by Philips Color Kinetics (CK) LEDs.

We can light very tall stuff with CK LEDs as well.  The below link is to the Color Kinetics website showing the CN Tower in Toronto.  I think the downtown architecture of Nashville lends itself to some interesting possibilities and I will update as more come online.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cree Lighting Roadshow to Nashville

Cree Lighting is bringing their tour booth to Vanderbilt Marriott here in Nashville to show the newest LED fixtures available.  Here is some information on the times available and please use the link for registration.  Hope to see you there.


Wednesday, July 25

Morning Session 7:30-9:30 am
7:30 am – Arrival & Breakfast Served
8 am – Cree Presentation
9 am – Product Review & Cree Lighting Experience
Afternoon Session 11:30-1:30 pm
11:30 am – Arrival & Lunch Served
12 pm – Cree Presentation
1 pm – Product Review & Cree Lighting Experience
Nashville Marriott at Vanderbilt University
2555 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 321-1300